Mapping Ignorance: “Graphene nanodrum solos”

Por Francisco R. Villatoro, el 12 agosto, 2016. Categoría(s): Ciencia • Colaboración Mapping Ignorance • Física • Música • Nanotecnología • Noticias • Physics • Recomendación • Science

Dibujo20160812 graphene nanodrum mapping ignorance nano letters

Te recomiendo leer mi última contribución “Graphene nanodrum solos,” Mapping Ignorance, 11 Aug 2016, sobre las vibraciones de hojas de grafeno suspendido que se comportan como tambores en la nanoescala. Estas vibraciones se pueden usar para detectar defectos en los dispositivos que usan grafeno suspendido. Además, muestran fenómenos no lineales que podrían tener aplicaciones prácticas en las tecnologías cuánticas de la información y comunicaciones. Te copio el primer párrafo para incentivarte a su lectura.

“Luthiers still use Chladni figures in the design and construction of acoustic instruments such as violins, guitars, and cellos. The technique invented by the German physicist and musician Ernst Chladni (1756–1827) shows the modes of vibration under forcing. The backplate of the instrument is covered with flour or sand, and bowed until it reached resonance. The grains move and concentrate along the nodal lines where the surface is still, outlining the vibrational modes. A similar technique can be used for quality control of membranes of suspended two-dimensional materials, like graphene. Small imperfections deform the nodal lines for the higher modes. Their study is crucial for reproducible fabrication and applications.»

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Dibujo20160812 graphene nanodrum device schema mapping ignorance


[1] Dejan Davidovikj et al., “Visualizing the Motion of Graphene Nanodrums,” Nano Letters 16: 2768−2773 (08 Mar 2016), doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00477arXiv:1602.00135 [cond-mat.mes-hall].

[2] Robert De Alba et al., “Tunable phonon-cavity coupling in graphene membranes,” Nature Nanotechnology (13 Jun 2016), doi: 10.1038/nnano.2016.86arXiv:1604.04605 [cond-mat.mes-hall].

[3] John P. Mathew et al., “Dynamical strong coupling and parametric amplification of mechanical modes of graphene drums,” Nature Nanotechnology (13 Jun 2016), doi: 10.1038/nnano.2016.94; arXiv:1607.00229 [cond-mat.mes-hall].

[4] L. Pearce Williams, “Faraday’s discovery of electromagnetic induction,” Contemporary Physics 5: 28-37 (1963), doi: 10.1080/00107516308205836.

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